With the bright colours and wonderful scents of summer to look forward to, May is a busy time in your garden. Here are this months tips from the gardening experts at Bellis Brothers Garden Centre.
• Clear away spring bedding ready for your summer display at the end of the month.
• Lawns should be mown regularly and a lawn feed used if needed.
• Roses and other susceptible plants need to be sprayed regularly to prevent mildew and blackspot.
• Place supports for herbaceous plants.
• Hedges can be trimmed and fed.
• Borders & flowerbeds can be fed with a slow release plant food.
• Sweet pea plants can be planted out.
• Finish planting any shrubs.
• Continue sowing vegetables, particularly salad crops, little and often for a continuous supply.
• Protect young plants and vegetables from slugs.
• Fruit bushes especially currants and gooseberries need protecting from bird damage.
• Continue with your weeding programme, a layer of bark may help keep weed away.